After a few weeks of getting my courage up I finally managed to visit the salon. With two hours to go before entertaining the Plafker/Lipson family for the first time, I hopped on my bike and rode the 5 minutes to L'Oreal. I was greeted and ushered in by a nice young lady to the back where she wet my hair and gave me a very firm 5 minute head massage. I later realized she was also giving me a choice of shampoos. I was then taken to another room where I was given a shampoo and we "chatted" and exchanged names. I always get laughs when I give my Chinese name. Then back to the front where I now realized Xaio Fang was not the haircutter. Then a long time with my new personal haircutter (he is very cute but he is no Marit). He quickly put me at ease with his apparent expertise and I actually fell asleep for a few minutes. Then "WaLa" it was complete and I was content and relieved. After a few minutes of pictures, handshakes and payment (30 RMB- you do the math at 6.7/$)I was back on my bike heading home feeling like a new and lighter man.
Nice picture!