Monday, June 15, 2009

Having a small refrigerator according to Western standard, I have
returned to the kind of shopping I grew up with, namely daily. Unless
I need a lot of produce, I normally hop on my bike with a back-pack .
If I want produce, I usually head to a small shop/stall about 5
minutes away. It is run by a couple and their teen-age children and
they are very welcoming, friendly and fair, last adverb meaning they
do not appear to have "Western prices" and "Chinese " prices.
Sometimes clearly being from "away", which I can not hide from, in
some stores translates into prices being a little high until they know
you. But this stall always throw in a little extra if I buy a lot, and
give me a good price (Very different from the fruit vendor next door)
Opening hours are about the same as my awake hours. I have shopped at
7 AM when they are receiving all the days vegetables. And when I walk
by in the dark around 10 PM, I am still able to get what I want. If I
start translating the prices into dollars, I realize it will be quite
a shock when I start shopping in the US again. So check out what I was
able to stuff in my back-pack after handing over the equivalent of
$1.10. last shopping trip:

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Blogging Once Again

Dear Friends,
The China Firewall closed down blog spot and we have not been able to post since early May. We have sent a few email entries. I have now learned of a way to get around the "Great Wall" and we are back on line.

Astri is presently in the US. We returned together about two weeks ago and visited Rebekka and Lee for one day and then we went to Orlando where I attended the American Society of Clinical Oncology Meeting and then returned to Beijing. Astri then spent a week with Rebekka and Lee and returned to Maine. I will be flying to Maine on June 17. We are looking forward to attending Jack Woodcock's wedding. It will be wonderful to have our entire family together and to spend a week in Maine.

It was great to have Geri and Lenny visit us in May and we also had our nephew, Erik Meistad, and his girlfriend, Tone visit us

We will post a new blog when we return from Maine.

Best to all.
Philip and Astri